
T.W.I.S.T. Conference Committee 2020/2021

About us

Jeroen van Ravenhorst


My name is Jeroen and I am the chair of the 2021 Conference committee. After four amazing years I finished my BA in the Descriptive Linguistics track. I am very excited to continue my journey this February, as I move into the Research Master in Linguistics here in Leiden. As a committee, our challenge this year is to move the Conference to the virtual domain. In my role as chair I will do my best to bring out each member's potential, and create a fun and interesting Conference together.

Jelle Christiaans


Heya, I’m Jelle! I’m in my third year of the BA Descriptive Linguistics and excited to start writing my thesis next semester. I’m even more pumped to help organise this year’s Conference – after last year’s abysmal failure, thank you next, corona – and the beginning of this one will probably be a very moving moment (ha ha ha). My role will mainly be one behind the scenes, which is writing up minutes as the secretary. Frankly there isn’t a subfield of linguistics I don’t like, so send in those abstracts – I’m already looking forward to hearing y’all all’s talks!

Giel van Butselaar


Hi! My name is Giel and I am the treasurer of the 2021 Conference committee! I am currently in my 1st year of the of the Linguistics research MA and I am interested in many aspects of linguistics. I am looking forward to being moved by various kinds of linguistic research during the talks at the coming T.W.I.S.T. Conference! 

Lieke van Zijl

Commissioner External Communication

Hey! I am Lieke and I am the Commissioner External Relations of the TWIST Conference 2021! If you send an email to the committee, it is probably going to be answered by me. This is because I am in charge of the correspondence between the committee and the keynotes, student speakers and of course you visitors. Although I do not study Linguistics anymore, my love for languages and, with that linguistics, will go on ;) I am looking forward to organizing the TWIST Conference 2021 and to seeing you all! 

Marit Postma

Commissioner Promotion

Hi! My name is Marit and this year I will manage all of the social media for the Conference. That means I’m the one posting all the fun stuff and information on our socials. Currently I’m in my second year of the BA Latin American Studies and my fourth year of the BA Linguistics, which I’m hoping to finish this year. When I’m not busy studying, I love watching everything Disney related, including singing and dancing along to basically everything. I’m very excited for the online Conference this year and I’m looking forward to seeing you there! 

Leyan Li

Commissioner Design

Hi! My name is Leyan, a medical student and a try-lingual speaker of Chinese, English and Dutch. I recently obtained my bachelor’s degree in medicine at Leiden University and started studying master Vitality&Aging. When I’m not studying, you’re most likely to find me reading on the couch or singing to musicals at home (as theatres are closed now…). I hope to see you at the conference! 

Iris Dijkstra

Commissioner Internal Communication

Hello, my name is Iris and I'll be representing the board of T.W.I.S.T. in this year's committee! I'm a third year descriptive linguistics student, mother of dying house plants and avid folkdancer. I'm very excited for this year's Conference!