Meet the organizers

Merel Drop

Commissioner external communications

My name is Merel. I am a third year Language and Cognition student. In this committee, I am the commissioner external communications. Apart from sending emails, I enjoy reading, going to the cinema, drawing and painting. I'm very excited about this year's conference! See you there?

Magdalena Włoczewska


My name is Magdalena. I am a first-year student of Linguistics and this year I will be the chairwoman of this committee. In my free time I like to read about art, watch way too many sitcoms and drink tea out of fancy mugs.

Yoshi Smart


Salwa liuda! I'm Yoshi, a second year comparative student who's absolutely fascinated by language reconstruction, so be sure to speak with me about proto-languages of any kind. I have helped to revive Gothic as a modern language, and Dynga is also a project I'm working on with others as an IE interlang, conlangs being another passion of mine.  þiuþida!

Giosuè Balocco

Commissioner Promotion

My name is Giosuè. I am a first year student in Linguistics and in this committee I am the commissioner promotion which means that I manage social media, conference promotion and design. Apart from Linguistics I have a deep interest in design, Italian literature and philosophy.

Rosalina Pegler

Accessory commissioner

My name is Rosalina. I'm a third year descriptive student, and also a board member of T.W.I.S.T. this year. In this committee I'll be the board accessory (meaning I will be transfering info between board and conferencie). I love reading, going on walks and of course going to all T.W.I.S.T. activities. See you all at the Conference!

Luge Yu


I am Luge, I am a second year Linguistics student who is still trying to choose between descriptive and Cognition. I love watching films so much that I even studied Film Production in China! You can always find me in any film festival where I often volunteer. I am very looking forward to meeting you guys in the Linguistics Conference next year!

Łukasz Al-darawsheh

Commissioner financial communications

I’m Łukasz, a first year student of Lingusitics in Leiden. I serve as the commissioner financial communications (basically obtaining funds) and I’m into Finnish, cinema and literature, so please come and talk with me about those things. Oh and I love people, so I hope to see all of you during this year's Conference!